
How Does Your Business Fit in Cochran-Bleckley County, Georgia?
Many companies choose to relocate in Cochran-Bleckley County, Georgia because of the successful nature of existing businesses, pro-business attitude of the leadership, and its quality workforce.
Industries that are a good fit for Cochran and Bleckley County include:
Light Manufacturing
Bleckley County has a history of manufacturing and a workforce that is skilled in manufacturing and assembly. Additionally, the county has the infrastructure and natural resources, as well as plenty of developable land, for manufacturers to thrive.
Proximity to two major interstate highways – I-16 and I-75 – puts Bleckley County in a perfect position to host logistics, transportation and warehousing companies.
Bleckley County, Georgia is largely rural, and agriculture is one of the major industries. Bleckley County’s annual farm gate value tops $31 million, and timber and forestry products make up more than 10% of that total.
Food Processing
Agriculture is a major economic engine in Bleckley County. Bleckley County is in the top 10 of Georgia counties in soybean production, with an annual farm gate value of $3.4 million. Total annual farm gate for row crops is $18 million, for beef cattle is $2.5 million and for poultry (broilers) is $2 million. Because manufacturing also has a strong history here with a trained workforce, food processing is a natural fit.